Dr. John. Lee.Whitener
UCLA 音乐教育博士 现任美国加州州立大学北岭分校教授。致力于管乐演奏和教育研究。
Dr. John.Lee.Whitner
● Dr. John L. Whitener began his professional musical career as a percussionist and singer while still in high school in Anchorage, Alaska. He studied percussion and voice performance, as well as Music Education, at the University of Washington in Seattle, receiving both a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music and a Bachelor of Music degree in Music Education in 1981. Whitener performed and toured widely in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska singing with a professional men’s vocal quartet and playing drums and percussion with the Jazz Sextet “Second Nature.” His music teaching career spans over 35 years in both instrumental and vocal music, with experience at the elementary, middle and high school levels, as well as a professor in community college and university settings.
Whitener came to Southern California in 1985, studying composition with Dr. MortenLauridsen and pursuing a Masters degree in Music Education at the University of Southern California. In 1987 he began working as an orchestrator and film composer in Hollywood, going on to score several short movies and two full-length feature films. Whitener received his Masters degree from USC in 1995, and in 2007 he completed his Doctoral studies focusing on music education, composition, music history and conducting. While a doctoral student he continued his composition studies with award-winning composer Morten Lauridsen, and also studied composition with the celebrated wind band composer, Dr. Frank Ticheli. In the spring of 2006 Dr. Whitener was hired as the Director of the innovative Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Music program at the USC Thornton School of Music, where he was responsible for the preparation and training of all public school music teachers enrolled at USC. In 2009 Dr. Whitener went on to complete a Masters of Education degree in Educational Psychology from the USC Rossier School of Education.
In 2004 the California Music Educators Association (CMEA), Southern California division, named Whitener Outstanding Music Educator of the Year. He is an active member and convention presenter in CMEA and the National Association for Music Education (NAfME), and an adjudicator for the Los Angeles School District and SCSBOA. In the spring of 2010 Whitener was awarded the prestigious Bravo! Award given by the Los Angeles Music Center for teaching excellence in Music Education. As a public school teacher he received the PTA Honorary Service Award for his work in Burbank schools, where he was also named 2015 Teacher of the Year at Jordan Middle School. He continues to teach music part-time in the Burbank schools. Dr. Whitener has published an article for the International Society for Music Education and most recently for the Music Educator’s Journal. In summer of 2013 Whitener was invited to guest-lecture at the Shanghai, Xi’an and China Conservatories of Music in mainland China, and also spoke in Ulaan-Baatar, Mongolia on American Music Education practices. In August of 2015, California State University Northridge (CSUN) hired Dr. Whitener as an Associate Professor of Music Education and the Coordinator of Music Education. Whitener was invited to return to China and Mongolia in the summers of 2016 and 2017, where he lectured, conducted research and taught music education methods. He returned to Asia in the summer of 2018, while living in Valley Village with his wife and children Dr. Whitener continues to teach, compose and lecture in the field of Music Education.
约翰·怀特纳(John L. Whitener)博士在阿拉斯加安克雷奇(Anchorage)读高中时就开始了打击乐和歌手的职业音乐生涯。他在西雅图的华盛顿大学学习打击乐器和声音表演以及音乐教育,并于1981年获得音乐文学学士学位和音乐教育音乐学士学位。怀特纳在太平洋地区进行了广泛的演出和巡回演出西北和阿拉斯加与专业男子声乐四重奏一起唱歌,并与爵士乐六重奏“ Second Nature”一起演奏鼓和打击乐器。他的音乐教学生涯超过35年,涉及器乐和声乐领域,在小学,初中和高中阶段都有经验,并且在社区学院和大学环境中担任教授。
怀特纳于1985年来到南加州,与MortenLauridsen博士一起学习作曲,并在南加州大学攻读音乐教育硕士学位。1987年,他开始在好莱坞担任编剧和电影作曲家的工作,并连续拍摄了几部短片和两部长片。怀特纳于1995年获得南加州大学硕士学位,并于2007年完成了他的博士学位研究,重点是音乐教育,作曲,音乐历史和指挥。在读博士期间,他与屡获殊荣的作曲家Morten Lauridsen一起继续作曲研究,并与著名的管乐作曲家Frank Ticheli博士一起学习作曲。在2006年春季 怀特纳被聘为南加州大学桑顿音乐学院的创新音乐教学艺术硕士(MAT)课程主任,在那里他负责准备和培训南加州大学所有在读的公立学校音乐老师。2009年,怀特纳博士继续从南加州大学罗西尔教育学院获得教育心理学的教育学硕士学位。
2004年,南加州分部的加利福尼亚音乐教育家协会(CMEA)授予Whitener年度杰出音乐教育家称号。他是CMEA和国家音乐教育协会(NAfME)的活跃成员和会议主持人,也是洛杉矶学区和SCSBOA的评审员。在2010年春季,怀特纳被授予享有盛誉的Bravo!洛杉矶音乐中心授予的“音乐教育卓越教学”奖。作为公立学校的老师,他因在伯班克(Burbank)学校的工作而获得了PTA荣誉服务奖,他还被乔丹中学(Jordan Middle School)评为2015年度最佳老师。他继续在伯班克学校兼职教授音乐。怀特纳博士为国际音乐教育学会发表了一篇文章,最近为《音乐教育家杂志》发表了一篇文章。2013年夏天,怀特纳受邀在中国大陆的上海,西安和中国音乐学院做客座谈,并在蒙古乌兰巴托就美国音乐教育实践发表演讲。2015年8月,加利福尼亚州立大学诺斯里奇分校(CSUN)聘请Whitener博士为音乐教育副教授兼音乐教育协调员。怀特纳受邀于2016年和2017年夏天返回中国和蒙古,在那里他进行演讲,进行研究和教授音乐教育方法。他将于2018年夏天返回亚洲。怀特纳博士与妻子和孩子一起住在山谷村时,继续在音乐教育领域任教,创作和演讲。并在蒙古乌兰巴托就美国音乐教育实践发表演讲。2015年8月,加利福尼亚州立大学诺斯里奇分校(CSUN)聘请Whitener博士为音乐教育副教授兼音乐教育协调员。怀特纳受邀于2016年和2017年夏天返回中国和蒙古,在那里他进行演讲,进行研究和教授音乐教育方法。他将于2018年夏天返回亚洲。怀特纳博士与妻子和孩子一起住在山谷村时,继续在音乐教育领域任教,创作和演讲。并在蒙古乌兰巴托就美国音乐教育实践发表演讲。2015年8月,加利福尼亚州立大学诺斯里奇分校(CSUN)聘请Whitener博士为音乐教育副教授兼音乐教育协调员。怀特纳受邀于2016年和2017年夏天返回中国和蒙古,在那里他进行演讲,进行研究和教授音乐教育方法。他将于2018年夏天返回亚洲。怀特纳博士与妻子和孩子一起住在山谷村时,继续在音乐教育领域任教,创作和演讲。怀特纳受邀于2016年和2017年夏天返回中国和蒙古,在那里他进行演讲,进行研究和教授音乐教育方法。他将于2018年夏天返回亚洲。怀特纳博士与妻子和孩子一起住在山谷村时,继续在音乐教育领域任教,创作和演讲。怀特纳受邀于2016年和2017年夏天返回中国和蒙古,在那里他进行演讲,进行研究和教授音乐教育方法,他于2018年夏天返回亚洲。怀特纳博士现与妻子和孩子一起住在山谷村时,继续在音乐教育领域任教,创作和演讲。