维也纳音乐与表演艺术大学 钢琴教育与体态律动双硕士。德籍华裔青年钢琴教学法、体态律动学讲师,海勒劳体态律动协会理事。

Liang Zhu is a Chinese German. He is lecturer of piano pedagogy and eurhythmics in the German Municipal Music School and visiting lecturer of music education in Korea Incheon University. He also is director of the Association of Eurhythmics in Hellerau,and director of Darkcroz (Shanghai) Center Program.
Zhu has achieved his double master degree in piano pedagogy and eurhythmics from German National University. Zhu studied with professor Paul Hille who is the president of the World Association of Eurhythmics Teachers, and professor of the department of eurhythmics at the National University of Music and the Performing Arts at Vienna in Austria. Zhu also studied with professor Christine Shumer, the head of the department of eurhythmics at the National Conservatory of Music, Dresden.
Zhu's music education and teaching practice has been recognized by professionals in the German field. In 2015, he served as the artistic director of the Chinese New Year Concert sponsored by the Governor of Saxony, Germany, and was awarded the "Outstanding Chinese" title by Deutsche Bank. In the same year, he officially became the director of Hellerau Eurhythmics Association in Germany, responsible for the promotion of the teaching method of eurhythmics in China.
Since 2016, he has been the executive chairman of "Hilleraw" World Eurhythmics Conference and a judge of the International Eurhythmics Competition. In the same year, he has been invited to offer eurhythmics courses in Germany, Austria, China, South Korea, Malaysia and other places. He mainly teaches eurhythmics, piano pedagogy, musicianship, piano improvisation and other courses. Since 2019, he has joined the Dresden Weigmann Association and dance company, and participated in stage creation and performance. In the same year, he was invited to participate in the "Hellerau Music Festival" and the "100th anniversary of Bauhaus" tour in Germany.
德国国立音乐高校钢琴教育与体态律动双硕士,师承奥地利维也纳国立音乐与表演艺术大学体态律动系教授,世界体态律动教师联盟主席 Paul Hille 教授,德累斯顿国立音乐学院体态律动系主任 Christine Straumer 教授。
自2016年起担任“海勒劳”世界体态律动大会执行主席,国际体态律动大赛评委一职。同年起受邀在德国,奥地利,中国,韩国, 马来西亚等地开设体态律动课程。主要教授体态律动,钢琴教学法,视唱练耳,即兴钢琴教学等课程。自2019年起加入德累斯顿魏格曼协会及舞团,并参与舞台创编及演出。同年受邀参加”海勒劳音乐节“,”包豪斯100周年“ 德国巡演。