Wilson Chu
Wilson Chu (朱威锦), concert-pianist, rèpètiteur, improviser and composer. Currently he works as Associate Professor of Music in College of Chinese & ASEAN Arts, Chengdu University to Bachelor and Masters students.

Wilson Chu
Wilson Chu (朱威锦), concert-pianist, rèpètiteur, improviser and composer. Currently he works as Associate Professor of Music in College of Chinese & ASEAN Arts, Chengdu University to Bachelor and Masters students. He frequently collaborates with Steinway Galleries in China. Previously he was music director and rèpètiteur in major opera productions and choirs in the UK (Scottish Opera, National Youth Choir of Scotland etc.).
At the age of 15, Wilson holds the Indonesian Record of the highest ABRSM Piano Grade 8 (148 of 150). Wilson received full scholarships throughout his Bachelor and Masters studies at Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts Singapore and Royal Conservatoire of Scotland (First Class Honours Bachelor and Masters Degree). Among his teachers are Aaron Shorr, Jonathan Plowright, Steven Osborne and Roy Howat.
He won many international prizes, including 1st Lamond Prize, 1st Russian Prize, 1st Duo Lieder Prize, 3rd Debussy Prize, 3rd Recital Competition in the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, 1st Prize National Yamaha Piano Competition Indonesia Senior Category, 1st Prize Singapore International Youth Piano Competition, 2nd Prize NAFA Recital Competition etc. He has performed concerti with RCS Symphony Orchestra, Glasgow Chamber Orchestra, to name a few.
Wilson has given recitals in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Gothenburg, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Chengdu, Beijing, Singapore etc. His doctorate proposal is accepted by the University of St. Andrews and made him the first composer-pianist who combined Gamelan Orchestra & Piano in Europe. He has been featured on international press, like The Straits Times Singapore, The Jakarta Post, The Herald Scotland and China press.
Wilson enjoys teaching, giving masterclasses and invited to give lectures in many universities and music schools throughout Asia. His students have won many international prizes in piano competitions in USA, Mexico, Poland, UK, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and China. Many of his students have also been accepted in top music universities in Singapore, USA & Europe.
十五岁时,他曾以148分的优异成绩创下印度尼西亚英国皇家音乐学院钢琴八级考试最高分纪录(满分150分),在新加坡南洋艺术学院获得全额奖学金,并取得音乐大专学位(最高荣誉);之后他就读于苏格兰音乐学院,并在新英格兰音乐学院学习,师从 Aaron Shorr , Jonathan Plowright, Steven Osborne, Roy Howat和Bruce Brubaker 教授(他的老师也全部都是 施坦威艺术家)。朱威锦教授于苏格兰皇家音乐学院取得音乐本科和硕士学位(一级荣誉学位)